Externes Mitglied: Larsson Gruppe

Zeitschriftenartikel (201)

Welinder, C.; Larsson, N.G.; Szigeti, R.; Ehlin-Henriksson, B.; Henle, G.; Henle, W.; Klein, G.; Ricksten, A.; Rymo, L.; Sulitzeanu, D.: Stable transfection of a human lymphoma line by sub-genomic fragments of Epstein-Barr virus DNA to measure humoral and cellular immunity to the corresponding proteins. Int J Cancer 40 (3), S. 389 - 95 (1987)

Buchkapitel (1)

Misic, J.; Milenkovic, D.: Studying Mitochondrial Nucleic Acid Synthesis Utilizing Intact Isolated Mitochondria. In: Mitochondrial DNA: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 2615, S. 219 - 228 (Hg. Nicholls, T. J.; Uhler, J. P.; Falkenberg, M.). Springer US, New York, NY (2023)
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