Lebenslauf Ivan Matić

Forschungsgruppe Matić


2014 - aktuell Forschungsgruppenleiter
Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns, Köln
2010 - 2014 Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow
Prof. Ron Hay, University of Dundee, Schottland
2009 - 2010 Postdoctoral research fellow
Prof. Matthias Mann, Max-Planck-Institute für Biochemie, Martinsried, Deutschland
2009                         PhD in Biochemistry
Prof. Matthias Mann, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany
2005 Laurea (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies
University of Bologna, Italy

Preise /

2018   EMBO Young Investigator
2015 Frontiers Innovator Award from the Wellcome Trust, UK 
2008 EMBO short-term fellowship


2021 - 2026 ERC Consolidator Grant - nbPTMs - European Research Council
2014 - 2022 CECAD (DFG) Group Leader programme grant 
2016 - 2018 Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (selected as an EU Success Story by the European Commission) to Dr. Bonfiglio
2010 - 2014 Sir Henry Wellcome postdoctoral fellowship - Wellcome Trust, UK


2014 - aktuell Editorial Board Member - Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group journal)       
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