Zeitschriftenartikel (49)

Rey, A. A.; Purrio, M.; Viveros, M. P.; Lutz, B.: Biphasic effects of cannabinoids in anxiety responses: CB1 and GABA(B) receptors in the balance of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission. Neuropsychopharmacology 37 (12), S. 2624 - 34 (2012)
Rogers, I.; Kerr, F.; Martinez, P.; Hardy, J.; Lovestone, S.; Partridge, L.: Ageing Increases Vulnerability to Aβ42 Toxicity in Drosophila. PLoS ONE 7 (7), S. e40569 (2012)
Ruzzenente, B.; Metodiev, M. D.; Wredenberg, A.; Bratic, A.; Park, C. B.; Camara, Y.; Milenkovic, D.; Zickermann, V.; Wibom, R.; Hultenby, K. et al.; Erdjument-Bromage, H.; Tempst, P.; Brandt, U.; Stewart, J. B.; Gustafsson, C. M.; Larsson, N.G.: LRPPRC is necessary for polyadenylation and coordination of translation of mitochondrial mRNAs. EMBO J 31 (2), S. 443 - 56 (2012)
Schaedel, O. N.; Gerisch, B.; Antebi, A.; Sternberg, P. W.: Hormonal signal amplification mediates environmental conditions during development and controls an irreversible commitment to adulthood. PLoS Biol 10 (4), S. e1001306 (2012)
Slack, C.; Foley, A.; Partridge, L.: Activation of AMPK by the putative dietary restriction mimetic metformin is insufficient to extend lifespan in Drosophila. PLoS ONE 7 (10), S. e47699 (2012)
Stern, M.; Scheiblich, H.; Eickhoff, R.; Didwischus, N.; Bicker, G.: Regeneration of olfactory afferent axons in the locust brain. Journal of Comparative Neurology 520, S. 679 - 693 (2012)
Teran, L. M.; Ruggeberg, S.; Santiago, J.; Fuentes-Arenas, F.; Hernandez, J. L.; Montes-Vizuet, A. R.; Li, X.; Franz , T.: Immune response to seasonal influenza A virus infection: a proteomic approach. Arch Med Res 43 (6), S. 464 - 9 (2012)
Winter, J. F.; Hoepfner, S.; Korn, K.; Farnung, B. O.; Bradshaw, C. R.; Marsico, G.; Volkmer, M.; Habermann, B.H.; Zerial, M.: Caenorhabditis elegans screen reveals role of PAR-5 in RAB-11-recycling endosome positioning and apicobasal cell polarity. NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 14 (7), S. 666 - 676 (2012)
Wollam, J.; Magner, D. B.; Magomedova, L.; Rass, E.; Shen, Y.; Rottiers, V.; Habermann, B.H.; Cummins, C. L.; Antebi, A.: A novel 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase that regulates reproductive development and longevity. PLoS Biol 10 (4), S. e1001305 (2012)

Buchkapitel (1)

Wai, T.; Langer, T.: The i-AAA Protease. In: Handbook of Proteo¬lytic Enzymes (Third Ed), 146, S. 1 - 7. Elsevier Ltd., Elsevier Ltd. (2012)
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