Comparative Biology Core Facility
We take care of the housing for the laboratory mice needed at the institute. We support the scientific working groups in breeding and keeping the required mouse models and offer intensive consulatation, personnel support and instruction.
Although a large part of basic biomedical research is now carried out using animal-free methods, some questions can only be answered by working with laboratory animals. In order to provide the best conditions for the animals in our institute, experienced and extremely capable personnel work in animal husbandry. In the Comparative Biology Core Facility we take care of the housing for the laboratory mice needed at the institute. We support the scientific working groups in breeding and keeping the required mouse models. In addition to a modern infrastructure, we offer intensive consultation, personnel support and instruction.
In addition to the veterinary management, the team includes animal care personnel specifically trained for laboratory animals, who are able to precisely identify and assess the needs of our animals. Furthermore, we offer expert advice and support for the implementation of planned and approved animal experiments.
Further information about animal experimental work and animal protection at our institute is available here.

In our view, well-trained personnel are key to animal- and animal welfare-friendly animal experimental research. For this reason, we have been successfully training animal caretakers in the fields of research and clinic since the foundation of the institute. Our trainees are regularly among the best in the country. In addition, the achievements and commitment of our trainees and instructors were honored by the Max Planck Society in 2016 and 2018 and the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing was honored as an outstanding training facility.
You can find more information on training at our institute here.