Scientific Events
Biomedical Seminar Series
In the Biomedical seminar series, the Principal Investigators working at the Max Planck Institutes for Biology of Ageing and Metabolism Research, CECAD research center, Cologne University Hospital and University of Cologne will present their own research with the goal to learn more about exciting science on our campus, share experiences and ideas, and foster collaborations.
Biomedical Seminar Series Calendar
Cologne Seminars on Ageing
For our seminar series that we organize together with the CECAD Cluster of Excellence in Ageing Research, scientists from all over the world are invited to talk about their current research and applied technologies.
Cologne Seminars on Ageing 2024
To foster scientific exchange and collaborations in mitochondrial research, the CRC 1218 organises the MitoClub, a lecture series with a monthly schedule; the seminars usually takes place on Wednesdays. Since 2010 this seminar series has brought to Cologne most renowned scientists in mitochondrial biology.
Overview of external ageing related seminars
Life Science Seminars University of Cologne
Events at the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar
Friday Seminars on molecular and computational biology, Institute for Genetics