Is ageing in our genes?

Joris Deelen presents his research at 'Wissenschaft in Kölner Häusern'

Every year, Cologne scientists present their research at various locations in the city, giving citizens the opportunity to experience Cologne as a place of science. Recently, Joris Deelen spoke at the Kölner Seniorengemeinschaft für Sport- und Freizeitgestaltungen e.V. about whether ageing is genetically determined.

Koa Krueger from the Cologne Senior Citizens' Association welcomed the interested guests and emphasised how exciting it is for her members to learn more about the scientific background to ageing. In addition to the members of the Senior Citizens' Association, a large number of interested citizens were present.

Joris Deelen took the audience into the world of ageing research. He explained how he has been able to identify gene variants associated with healthy ageing in long-lived families and how he is studying the effects of these gene variants at the cellular level and on the health and lifespan of mice.

The many members of the public who attended enriched the event with their questions and contributed to a lively discussion. As well as questions about how to stay healthy as we age and what diets can help, the audience was also interested in how scientific research is carried out.

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