Home tagpages Jachimowicz Orsolya Leidecker accepted into the Emmy Noether Programme September 06, 2023 Achievement Career Institute Jachimowicz Matic Starting her research group at the Institute for Genetics at the University of Cologne more KinderUni Cologne March 21, 2023 Event Institute Jachimowicz Langer Tessarz Visit Children get a taste of science more Ron Jachimowicz receives funding from Behrens-Weise Foundation January 23, 2023 Achievement Grant Institute Jachimowicz Funding supports research to improve human health more New DFG research group investigates causes and consequences of genome instability December 09, 2022 Grant Institute Jachimowicz Panier Results could help to prevent age-related diseases more Three new research groups at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing in Cologne May 15, 2020 Deelen Jachimowicz Panier New focus in research on human ageing more Show more