Opening Eyes to Different Career Paths
4th Career Perspectives Panel Discussion
The Career Network of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing invited seven guest speakers who have all pursued a PhD in life science. During the panel discussion on September16, 2022 the panelists gave insights into their diverse career paths and shared their experiences with our 50 participants.
Shall I stay in academia as group leader or permanent postdoc? Do I have interests and talents that qualify me for a position in science communication, clinical studies or in research management? And if not, how can I build up the skill set required for my “dream profession”? Which job is the best for me to integrate all my interests, allows me to spend time with my family and to live a well-balanced life that suites my needs?
At one stage in their career all PhDs or postdocs will ask themselves those or similar questions. To support our junior scientists with those important topics, the Career Network of the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing has organized a Career Panel Discussion on September 16, 2022 for the fourth time and invited panelists that took diverse career paths after their PhD in the life science.
More than 50 participants enjoyed the lively discussion with our seven panelists. In the discussion it became obvious that it’s never too late to change your career and take another direction than previously planned. Whether you train to become a clinical research assistant after your PhD, or do a Master's in science journalism after your postdoc, or even move into science management after working as a group leader in science - everyone can actively shape their own path at every stage of life!
After the panel discussion all attendees had the opportunity to approach our panelists Alireza Noormohammadi (Clinical Research Associate), Martin Denzel (Group Leader), Desiree Schatton (Lab Manager), Dusanka Milenkovic (Permanent Postdoc), Gabriella Lundkvist (Research Manager), Ariadna Pascual Velazquez (R&D manager) and Sylvie Burnouf (Science Journalist) for further questions and networking.
The whole event was a great success and we thank our organization committee of PhDs and postdocs from the MPIs. See you in 2024 at our 5th panel discussion!