
Max Planck Research Group Demetriades

Journal Article (26)

Journal Article
Perri, G.; French, C.; Agostinis-Sobrinho, C.; Anand, A.; Antarianto, R. D.; Arai, Y.; Baur, J. A.; Cauli, O.; Clivaz-Duc, M.; Colloca, G. et al.; Demetriades, C.; de Lucia, C.; Di Gessa, G.; Diniz, B. S.; Dotchin, C. L.; Eaglestone, G.; Elliott, B. T.; Espeland, M. A.; Ferrucci, L.; Fisher, J.; Grammatopoulos, D. K.; Hardiany, N. S.; Hassan-Smith, Z.; Hastings, W. J.; Jain, S.; Joshi, P. K.; Katsila, T.; Kemp, G. J.; Khaiyat, O. A.; Lamming, D. W.; Gallegos, J. L.; Madeo, F.; Maier, A. B.; Martin-Ruiz, C.; Martins, I. J.; Mathers, J. C.; Mattin, L. R.; Merchant, R. A.; Moskalev, A.; Neytchev, O.; Ni Lochlainn, M.; Owen, C. M.; Phillips, S. M.; Pratt, J.; Prokopidis, K.; Rattray, N. J. W.; Rúa-Alonso, M.; Schomburg, L.; Scott, D.; Shyam, S.; Sillanpää, E.; Tan, M. M. C.; Teh, R.; Tobin, S. W.; Vila-Chã, C. J.; Vorluni, L.; Weber, D.; Welch, A.; Wilson, D.; Wilson, T.; Zhao, T.; Philippou, E.; Korolchuk, V. I.; Shannon, O. M.: An expert consensus statement on biomarkers of ageing for use in intervention studies. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (2024)
Journal Article
Fernandes, S. A.; Angelidaki, D.-D.; Nuechel, J.; Pan, J.; Gollwitzer, P.; Elkis, Y.; Artoni, F.; Wilhelm, S.; Kovacevic-Sarmiento, M.; Demetriades, C.: Spatial and functional separation of mTORC1 signalling in response to different amino acid sources. Nature Cell Biology (2024)
Journal Article
Acharya, A.; Demetriades, C.: mTORC1 activity licenses its own release from the lysosomal surface. Molecular Cell (2024)
Journal Article
Nicastro , R.; Brohée, L.; Alba, J.; Nuechel, J.; Figlia, G.; Kipschull, S.; Gollwitzer, P.; Romero-Pozuelo, J.; Fernandes, S. A.; Lamprakis, A. et al.; Vanni, S.; Teleman, A. A.; De Virgilio, C.; Demetriades, C.: Malonyl-CoA is a conserved endogenous ATP-competitive mTORC1 inhibitor. Nature Cell Biology (2023)
Journal Article
Artoni, F.; Grützmacher, N.; Demetriades, C.: Unbiased evaluation of rapamycin's specificity as an mTOR inhibitor. Aging Cell (2023)
Journal Article
Suzuki, T.; Chéret, J.; Scala, F. D.; Akhundlu, A.; Gherardini, J.; Demetrius, D.; O'Sullivan, J. D. B.; Kuka Epstein, G.; Bauman, A. J.; Demetriades, C. et al.; Paus, R.: mTORC1 activity negatively regulates human hair follicle growth and pigmentation. EMBO reports (2023)
Journal Article
Demetriades, C.: Malonyl-CoA links lipid metabolism to nutrient signalling by directly inhibiting mTORC1. Nature Cell Biology 25, pp. 1250 - 1251 (2023)
Journal Article
Priya, A.; Antoine-Bally, S.; Macé, A.-S.; Monteiro, P.; Sabatet, V.; Remy, D.; Dingli, F.; Loew, D.; Demetriades, C.; Gautreau, A. M. et al.; Chavrier, P.: Codependencies of mTORC1 signaling and endolysosomal actin structures. Science Advances 9 (2023)
Journal Article
Gollwitzer, P.; Grützmacher, N.; Wilhelm, S.; Kümmel, D.; Demetriades, C.: A Rag GTPase dimer code defines the regulation of mTORC1 by amino acids. Nat Cell Biol (2022)
Journal Article
Artoni, F.; Grützmacher, N.; Demetriades, C.: Comprehensive Evaluation of Rapamycin’s Specificity as an mTOR Inhibitor. bioRxiv, p. 2022.12.10.519872 (2022)
Journal Article
Huang, W.; Kew, C.; Fernandes, S. A.; Löhrke, A.; Han , L.; Demetriades, C.; Antebi, A.: Decreased spliceosome fidelity and egl-8 intron retention inhibit mTORC1 signaling to promote longevity. Nature Aging 2 (9), pp. 796 - 808 (2022)
Journal Article
Nicastro , R.; Brohée, L.; Alba, J.; Nuechel, J.; Figlia, G.; Kipschull , S.; Gollwitzer, P.; Romero-Pozuelo, J.; Fernandes, S. A.; Lamprakis, A. et al.; Vanni, S.; Teleman, A. A.; De Virgilio, C.; Demetriades, C.: Malonyl-CoA is an ancient physiological ATP-competitive mTORC1 inhibitor. bioRxiv, p. 2022.11.06.515351 (2022)
Journal Article
Demetriades, C.; Nuechel, J.; Plomann, M.: GRASPing the unconventional secretory machinery to bridge cellular stress signaling to the extracellular proteome. Cell Stress 5 (11), pp. 173 - 175 (2021)
Journal Article
Fernandes, S. A.; Demetriades, C.: The Multifaceted Role of Nutrient Sensing and mTORC1 Signaling in Physiology and Aging. Frontiers in Aging 2 (2021)
Journal Article
Nuechel, J.; Tauber, M.; Nolte, J. L.; Morgelin, M.; Turk, C.; Eckes, B.; Demetriades, C.; Plomann, M.: An mTORC1-GRASP55 signaling axis controls unconventional secretion to reshape the extracellular proteome upon stress. Mol Cell 81 (16), pp. 3275 - 3293 (2021)
Journal Article
Fitzian, K.; Bruckner, A.; Brohée, L.; Zech, R.; Antoni, C.; Kiontke, S.; Gasper, R.; Linard Matos, A. L.; Beel, S.; Wilhelm, S. et al.; Gerke, V.; Ungermann, C.; Nellist, M.; Raunser, S.; Demetriades, C.; Oeckinghaus, A.; Kummel, D.: TSC1 binding to lysosomal PIPs is required for TSC complex translocation and mTORC1 regulation. Mol Cell 81 (13), pp. 2705 - 2721 (2021)
Journal Article
Prentzell, M. T.; Rehbein, U.; Cadena Sandoval, M.; De Meulemeester, A. S.; Baumeister, R.; Brohée, L.; Berdel, B.; Bockwoldt, M.; Carroll, B.; Chowdhury, S. R. et al.; von Deimling, A.; Demetriades, C.; Figlia, G.; Genomics England Research, C.; de Araujo, M. E. G.; Heberle, A. M.; Heiland, I.; Holzwarth, B.; Huber, L. A.; Jaworski, J.; Kedra, M.; Kern, K.; Kopach, A.; Korolchuk, V. I.; van 't Land-Kuper, I.; Macias, M.; Nellist, M.; Palm, W.; Pusch, S.; Ramos Pittol, J. M.; Reil, M.; Reintjes, A.; Reuter, F.; Sampson, J. R.; Scheldeman, C.; Siekierska, A.; Stefan, E.; Teleman, A. A.; Thomas, L. E.; Torres-Quesada, O.; Trump, S.; West, H. D.; de Witte, P.; Woltering, S.; Yordanov, T. E.; Zmorzynska, J.; Opitz, C. A.; Thedieck, K.: G3BPs tether the TSC complex to lysosomes and suppress mTORC1 signaling. Cell 184 (3), pp. 655 - 674 e27 (2021)
Journal Article
Romero-Pozuelo, J.; Demetriades, C.; Schroeder, P.; Teleman, A. A.: CycD/Cdk4 and Discontinuities in Dpp Signaling Activate TORC1 in the Drosophila Wing Disc. Developmental Cell 42, pp. 376 - 387.e5 (2017)
Journal Article
Demetriades, C.; Plescher, M.; Teleman, A. A.: Lysosomal recruitment of TSC2 is a universal response to cellular stress. Nat Commun 7, p. 10662 (2016)
Journal Article
Tsokanos, F. F.; Albert, M. A.; Demetriades, C.; Spirohn, K.; Boutros, M.; Teleman, A. A.: eIF4A inactivates TORC1 in response to amino acid starvation. EMBO J 35 (10), pp. 1058 - 76 (2016)
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