
Department Partridge

Journal Article (185)

Journal Article
Zhang, P.; Catterson, J. H.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Inhibition of S6K lowers age-related inflammation and increases lifespan through the endolysosomal system. Nature Aging (2024)
Journal Article
Baghdadi, M.; Nespital, T.; Monzó, C.; Deelen, J.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Intermittent rapamycin feeding recapitulates some effects of continuous treatment while maintaining lifespan extension. Molecular Metabolism 81, 101902, p. 101902 (2024)
Journal Article
Papantonis, A.; Antebi, A.; Partridge, L.; Beyer, A.: Age-associated changes in transcriptional elongation and their effects on homeostasis. Trends in Cell Biology (2024)
Journal Article
Ureña, E.; Xu, B.; Regan, J. C.; Atilano, M. L.; Minkley, L. J.; Filer, D.; Lu, Y.-X.; Bolukbasi, E.; Khericha, M.; Alic, N. et al.; Partridge, L.: Trametinib ameliorates aging-associated gut pathology inDrosophilafemales by reducing Pol III activity in intestinal stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (2024)
Journal Article
Morón-Oset, J.; Fischer, L. K. S.; Jauré, N.; Zhang, P.; Jahn, A. J.; Supèr, T.; Pahl, A.; Isaacs, A. M.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Repeat length of C9orf72-associated glycine–alanine polypeptides affects their toxicity. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 11, 140 (2023)
Journal Article
Baghdadi, M.; Mesaros, A.; Purrio, M.; Partridge, L.: Sex-specific effects of Cre expression in Syn1Cre mice. Scientific Reports 13, 10037 (2023)
Journal Article
Debès, C.; Papadakis, A.; Grönke, S.; Karalay, O.; Tain, L. S.; Mizi, A.; Nakamura, S.; Hahn, O.; Weigelt, C. M.; Josipovic, N. et al.; Zirkel, A.; Brusius, I.; Sofiadis, K.; Lamprousi, M.; Lu, Y.-X.; Huang, W.; Esmaillie, R.; Kubacki, T.; Späth, M. R.; Schermer, B.; Benzing, T.; Müller, R.-U.; Antebi, A.; Partridge, L.; Papantonis, A.; Beyer, A.: Ageing-associated changes in transcriptional elongation influence longevity. Nature (2023)
Journal Article
Baghdadi, M.; Nespital, T.; Mesaros, A.; Buschbaum, S.; Withers, D. J.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Reduced insulin signaling in neurons induces sex-specific health benefits. Science Advances 9 (2023)
Journal Article
Catterson, J. H.; Minkley, L.; Aspe, S.; Judd-Mole, S.; Moura, S.; Dyson, M. C.; Rajasingam, A.; Woodling, N. S.; Atilano, M. L.; Ahmad, M. et al.; Durrant, C. S.; Spires-Jones, T. L.; Partridge, L.: Protein retention in the endoplasmic reticulum rescues Aβ toxicity in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Aging 132, pp. 154 - 174 (2023)
Journal Article
Hahn, O.; Foltz, A. G.; Atkins, M.; Kedir, B.; Moran-Losada, P.; Guldner, I. H.; Munson, C.; Kern, F.; Pálovics, R.; Lu, N. et al.; Zhang, H.; Kaur, A.; Hull, J.; Huguenard, J. R.; Grönke, S.; Lehallier, B.; Partridge, L.; Keller, A.; Wyss-Coray, T.: Atlas of the aging mouse brain reveals white matter as vulnerable foci. Cell (2023)
Journal Article
Kuan, V.; Denaxas, S.; Patalay, P.; Nitsch, D.; Mathur, R.; Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A.; Sofat, R.; Partridge, L.; Roberts, A.; Wong, I. C. K. et al.; Hingorani, M.; Chaturvedi, N.; Hemingway, H.; Hingorani, A. D.; Alexander, D. C.; Asiimwe, I. G.; Ball, S.; Bennett, F.; Borges, M. C.; Butterworth, A.; Chaturvedi, N.; Chopade, S.; Clarkson, C.; Cox, M.; Dale, C.; Denaxas, S.; Dunca, D.; Engmann, J. E.; Fernandez-Sanles, A.; Finan, C.; Fitzpatrick, N.; Gallagher, J.; Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A.; Gratton, J.; Gross, C.; Hemingway, H.; Henry, A.; Hidajat, M.; Hingorani, A.; Hukerikar, N.; Jorgensen, A.; Joshi, R.; Katsoulis, M.; Kuan, V.; Kumar, R.; Lai, A. G.; Langenberg, C.; Lawlor, D.; Mancini, M.; Miller, D.; Ogden, M.; Ozyigit, E. B.; Patel, S.; Pirmohamed, M.; Roberts, A.; Ryan, D.; Schmidt, A. F.; Shah, A. D.; Shah, T.; Sofat, R.; Takhar, R.; Torralbo, A.; Ullah, A.; Walker, L. E.; Warwick, A.; Wheeler, E.; Wright, V. L.; Wu, H.; Zwierzyna, M.: Identifying and visualising multimorbidity and comorbidity patterns in patients in the English National Health Service: a population-based study. The Lancet Digital Health 5, pp. e16 - e27 (2023)
Journal Article
López-Otín, C.; Blasco, M. A.; Partridge, L.; Serrano, M.; Kroemer, G.: Hallmarks of aging: An expanding universe. Cell (2023)
Journal Article
Monzó, C.; Gkioni, L.; Beyer, A.; Valenzano, D. R.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Dietary restriction mitigates the age-associated decline in mouse B cell receptor repertoire diversity. Cell Reports 42, 112722, p. 112722 (2023)
Journal Article
Morón-Oset, J.; Fischer, L. K.; Carcolé, M.; Giblin, A.; Zhang, P.; Isaacs, A. M.; Grönke, S.; Partridge, L.: Toxicity ofC9orf72-associated dipeptide repeat peptides is modified by commonly used protein tags. Life Science Alliance 6, p. e202201739 (2023)
Journal Article
Sahota, V. K.; Stone, A.; Woodling, N. S.; Spiers, J. G.; Steinert, J. R.; Partridge, L.; Augustin, H.: Plum modulates Myoglianin and regulates synaptic function inD. melanogaster. Open Biology 13 (2023)
Journal Article
Regan, J. C.; Lu, Y.-X.; Urena, E.; Meilenbrock, R. L.; Catterson, J. H.; Kißler, D.; Fröhlich, J.; Funk, E.; Partridge, L.: Sexual identity of enterocytes regulates autophagy to determine intestinal health, lifespan and responses to rapamycin. Nature aging (2), pp. 1145 - 1158 (2022)
Journal Article
Kuan, V.; Denaxas, S.; Patalay, P.; Nitsch, D.; Mathur, R.; Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A.; Sofat, R.; Partridge, L.; Roberts, A.; Wong, I. C. K. et al.; Hingorani, M.; Chaturvedi, N.; Hemingway, H.; Hingorani, A. D.; Multimorbidity, M.; Therapeutic Research, C.: Identifying and visualising multimorbidity and comorbidity patterns in patients in the English National Health Service: a population-based study. Lancet Digit Health (2022)
Journal Article
Romano, N.; Di Giacomo, B.; Nobile, V.; Borreca, A.; Willems, D.; Tilesi, F.; Catalani, E.; Agrawal, M.; Welshhans, K.; Ricciardi, S. et al.; Cervia, D.; Ceci, M.: Ribosomal RACK1 Regulates the Dendritic Arborization by Repressing FMRP Activity. Int J Mol Sci 23 (19) (2022)
Journal Article
Segref, A.; Vakkayil, K. L.; Padvitski, T.; Li, Q.; Kroef, V.; Lormann, J.; Korner, L.; Finger, F.; Hoppe, T.: Thermosensation in Caenorhabditis elegans is linked to ubiquitin-dependent protein turnover via insulin and calcineurin signalling. Nat Commun 13 (1), p. 5874 (2022)
Journal Article
Laskovs, M.; Partridge, L.; Slack, C.: Molecular inhibition of RAS signalling to target ageing and age-related health. Dis Model Mech 15 (10) (2022)
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